Thursday, January 27, 2011


Lets face it, creatives love the finer things in life. Tricked out rides, cool cribs, fast bikes, etc. But anyone knows that these things need fat wallets. Of course we do have the traditional options of save, save, save and all the bank loans that are thrown at us from every direction. But what about the option that we used to have? The SACCO.

For those new to the industry, there once existed an organisation called MATANGAZO, this was the SACCO that lots of us benefited from by getting fast loans at impressively low single figure interest rates. I personally benefited from it and bought my Nissan Sunny B12 aka "silver bullet "via this channel, unfortunately it was stolen right outside my agency and later found nesting baboons in a forest near Kijabe. Anyway, enter Kenyaism and wrangles began within the SACCO. Bad management, embezzlement of funds and poor investments killed it (Well, at least that's the story I got).

An attempt by some financially savvy ad guys to start a new SACCO was met with high resistance from agencies. I am curious as to why our agency top dogs are resistant towards assisting or endorsing their staff to start a co-operative society.

Could it be the old rule of keeping them dependent on the accounts department? Or maybe justifiably, agencies especially those accountable to shareholders do not want their names mentioned in case of mboi-kamiti style political issues within the SACCO?

Here's the good news, its easy to start a co-op, if a few willing individuals make a move. Visit the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing website and see what you can dig up. Believe it or not they are extremely helpful.

It is rumored that that as an industry we work for pretty good paper. It may be time that we made that paper start working for us.

But hey, that's just my opinion.


  1. Teddy, spot on as usual. I never thought about the dependency bit. But that might just be it.

  2. I can't believe Matangazo died! Pity!
