Sunday, January 23, 2011

Confessions of a Kamba advertising man

I have just arrived home from a three day trip to Machakos County. All my "mbois" are well and ad land is thriving there in its own special way. Does advertising exist deep in rural areas? Well, yes it does.

You see they may not have the technical terms we use in the city but the objective is the same. Ye ol sign writer (who I believe is the local art director) sits with the client/copywriter (who is the duka owner) and a brief is delivered, to come up with signage for a shop, bar, local kiosk etc.

I absolutely love the creativity you find in some of the small villages. One notable fact is the word "Ebenezer." There is an ebenezer kiosk, ebenezer butchery, ebenezer m-pesa, ebenezer salon almost everywhere you look. Maybe that attracts the believers and shows that the owners have christian values so you are not bound to be ripped off.

Then, there are some other names either inspired by a swig of kumi-kumi or projecting friendliness through humor. The ones that I give my top five Kamba Advertising Awards are as follows (Mark my word, I have not created these. They exist):

- A matatu called LAPTOP ONE HOUR.
- HAKI YETU general store.
- RATION shop
- SILENT bar
- JAY Z kinyozi and salon

Who said advertising/branding talent only exists in urban areas. Open your eyes, ushago has caught on.

But hey that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. LAPTOP ONE HOUR! Haha! What does that translate to in Kao?
