Tuesday, January 18, 2011

APA = Advertising Procrastinators Association

Have a chat with ad agency creatives and you will notice one thing nowadays, a dire lack of passion. I blame this almost entirely on the APA ( Advertising Practitioners Association). Why? Simple, we have not had Advertising Awards in Kenya since ....yawn, yawn, yawn.

The rumor mill points out that members of the APA found it rather difficult to get non scangroup agencies to participate, citing fears from other agencies who claimed that it would be an entirely scangroup affair leading to possible embarrassment if scangroup swooped everything due to its largeness. Now, if these rumors are true it leaves me asking, doesn't the APA have any "cahonas"?

I would think that it would be up to the APA to say that we will always have the awards every two years "penda usipende". Those who suffer from low self esteem can back bench, while others sell themselves to Kenya and the world.

I think we really have to stop pushing local awards away year after year. One year its...there's not enough work to be entered, the next its...the kangaroo ate my flash disk.

Kenya really needs these awards. Bringing international judges of great repute to vet our work will make us want to strive to get better at our crafts and teach a client or two the essence of good work.

Awards will also give young blood something to aim for and get that competitive passion back into their daily working lives.

IF 3/4 of the awards are based on scams, then for Hare Krishna's sake lets compete on scams but let us compete on something.

The awards don't just have to be about getting the bronze ware. I have had the privilege of attending the Cannes Advertising Festival in France (but do I say) and its more than just handing out Lions. The greatest part is the seminars. Dudes from apple telling you about the latest I this or I that, Kanye West's video director telling you how to get the best out of film, Music producers telling you what works and what doesn't,..

Surely, can't the people who advocate thinking out of the box do the same? Make a few phone calls and fly in some ad gurus to inspire us. Organise international creative workshops during awards week as part of a training and development program which may prove to be a stimulating experience for locals...maybe even involve clients. How about giving young creatives projects and award them at the gala night? What about ad man of the year awards etc etc

APA, you really need to get your act together. At the moment the APA looks incapable of organising a drink-up in a brewery. Oh yeah, and for goodness sake do not do it at Safari Park lest we all wake up to art directors and copywriters cut and pasted all over Thika Road.

APA, its time to bring sexy back to advertising.

Hey, that's just my opinion.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly! As for "small" agencies, surely the different competitive categories in the awards would take care of them, wouldn't they? If there is an award like "Piga Mingi" in golf for whoever was slashing grass instead of playing (and it's a fun award!) it wouldn't be rocket science to cater for most, if not all, players! Again, in business, they have awards for big, mid-sized and small enterprises - every year! D'uuh!

  2. Wahenga walisema if APA gives you lemons" here is one at the top of my head, guys who really love it and i mean love it to the coccyx, why don't we just hook up hire a place and do what we do to get the crowd there and i mean profit from some sponsors while we are at it. tufanye sisi wenyewe, i think it will be way cooler.

    Had an idea we wanted to do here in Dar me and my pal Tom Chomo Mboya(AY&R) called 4TLA (for the love of advertising) call the marketing fraternity here in dar outdoor dudes and admen, hire a theater, show Art and Copy, do a cocktail and award the one we thought was the best ya mwaka (voted by all online) awarding from strategy and the whole shabeng. In nai itakick ass

  3. Good insights and ideas, Teddy. Here's to a Kenya/East Africa where ideas become realized. The talent we have in the region needs avenues for expression.

    Can you link me up with APA - a website address, email, phone number, office location.. any or all will do. Thanks!
