Now it might not be the newest of ideas, but it brought a smile to my face when I opened the papers and saw the Yu Zaziada campaign. Sure the execution and art direction could have been better, but what makes me happy is that a mobile phone operator is finally doing interesting advertising.
You see the problem I see with ads from this sector is that they have become rather predictable. Lots of Safaricom ads I guess are targeted to the mass market when it comes to products like M-pesa, but this does not have to mean that they should just show a guy holding a phone and showing his teeth or throwing big coins at us. Orange ads on the other hand are just too plain- while if you look at what orange does in other markets you would be pleasantly surprised yet they work under global advertising guidelines, Airtel on the other hand seems to have a collaboration with the Kenya Wildlife Services.
What yu has done according to me is a bit refreshing. What this does in turn is make other brands start considering doing some fun advertising. Kilimo and his boys on mombasa road need a hi-five for this one.
Its already boring enough having to read about one mobile phone company blaming the other or cck for this or that. In fact mobile advertising has been reduced to a PR war or who can get the best interviews on air. People, people, you are killing us with boredom. Please realise that consumers also watch lots of other content on television and are exposed to lots of visually stimulating stuff if papers and mags.... not just your ads, so please step up the game and challenge our brains.
As David Ogilvy once said, the consumer is not a moron...she is your wife.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
well put. thank Yu, too.