Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I hate you Peter Marangi

Every once in a while an ad agency comes up with such a brilliant campaign that it becomes a nightmare for any creative to sell a concept without clients asking them to make it similar to that great campaign. Peter Marangi is one such campaign and that's why I hate him.

After the Marangi campaign, I remember walking into presentations or pitches and clients would ask..."why don't you do something like Peter Marangi?"

Now, I am not saying that clients have no idea on creating ideas that stand out, but folks let Marangi do Duracoat and let your creative propose another direction for your campaign to suit your needs.

In fact take a look around and you can clearly see the effects of clients who have simply borrowed from other campaigns. The similarity is annoying.

The new Valon billboards look curiously similar to the Sheila Mwanyiga Vaseline Billboards.Verona Ice somehow makes you thirst for a Smirnoff Ice.
The style of the Postbank Commercials remind me of Family Bank Commercials.

So,now I guess you copy my drift. Peter Marangi, I HATE YOU!

But hey, that's just my opinion.


  1. Most recently, it's been "why don't you do something like (Equity Bank's) I am a Member?"

    I hate Equity Bank More.

    Thanks goodness no one's mentioned niko na Safaricom… yet.

  2. I think ad creatives need to hold a symposium for corporate Kenya on the ways to develop unique campaigns that benefit the establishment in mind. They need HELP!!!! :(

  3. Well someone might have said "Why don't you try Qantas"? And hey presto...there was Niko na Safaricom......

  4. I remember a conversation we had at the O & M bar yonks ago (On Arboretum Drive no less) where the conclusion was that there is no 'Original' idea in advertising - it's been done before! Though Kenya takes it to a new level. Marangi aside, thie whols "find us a catchy sheng' word so we can connect with the target demographic" is nonsense. Bambika, Bankika...

  5. @Shi, i think 'I am a member' is a souped up version of 'Niko na Safaricom'
    I can almost see the brief: "Come up with something that gives the consumer a sense of belonging. Something like 'Niko na Safaricom'"
